877 473-7473 [email protected]

Water in the Walls: Why Hidden Water Leaks are Unsafe

Your pipes run behind your walls and under your floors, and so long as they are working properly, you likely never think of them. But as your pipes age, they can break down, and water can stream throughout your home, causing all kinds of damage. The pipes may corrode...

Pinhole Leaks Tiny Dilemma Destructive Consequences

Pinhole leaks are a common problem with copper plumbing pipes, but they can occur in other metal pipes also. Like their name suggests, they come from holes in the metal that are very tiny – often no bigger than the size of a pinhole. Pinhole leaks are a bit of a...

Slab Leaks and the Catastrophic Damage they Cause

A lot of houses are built on a concrete foundation, which a lot of people call a slab. The plumbing might run under the slab. It would have been installed before the concrete was poured. In some ways, the set up protects your plumbing since the pipes aren’t as exposed...

Common Pitfalls of a Copper Plumbing System

Copper is a common plumbing material. For a long time, it was the standard. Plumbers and homeowners chose it because it is a strong and durable material that will hold up over time. However, as the years wear on, homeowners learn that copper pipes also have some...

Schedule A Free Estimate & Find Out Whether Your Pipes Can Be Repaired Or Need To Be Replaced.

877 473-7473
[email protected]