877 473-7473 4repipe@gmail.com

You use water almost as much as you use electricity. If you’re not careful, you can spend a lot of money each money on your water. Taking measures to cut back the water you use can help you save a lot of money over time – as well as to conserve natural resources so you can be a better global citizen.

Saving water doesn’t have to involve taking extreme measures or living out of a yurt. Saving water can be easy. Here are a few simple water conservation hacks from your local Chula Vista home repipe specialist that can lower your monthly bill:

Closing Sink

Install Low-Flow Faucets and Shower Heads

You can buy faucets and shower heads now that help to limit the flow of water from the spout. Some of these limit the overall flow, and some of them have a lever on the side that allows you to adjust the flow of the water. For example, if you just need to rinse a glass in the sink, you could adjust the lever to give you a low flow from your kitchen sink. Meanwhile, if you need to fill a large pot for boiling, you may want the water to come out at full force for expediency.

By installing these new faucets and shower heads throughout your home, you can increase your savings significantly.

Install a Low-Flush Toilet

Older toilets can use as much as four gallons of water when you flush them. Newer toilets, which are designed to be low-flow, only use one to two gallons per flush. Think about how many times per day you flush the toilet, and you can see how quickly the savings add up.

If you have an older toilet, you should consider replacing it with a low-flush toilet. All new toilets are designed with this water savings in mind, so if your home is new, you likely don’t need to make any changes.

Take a Shower, not a Bath

You may think that you use more water when taking a shower because the water is continually flowing and going down the drain. However, it takes about 70 gallons to fill up a bathtub, while you only use about 10 to 25 gallons of water during a five-minute shower, depending on the flow of your faucet. Even if you were to take a 10-minute shower with a high-flow faucet, you would still use less water by showering than you would by taking a bath.

Run Full Loads

We’ve all been there when we needed just a few pots and pans to be washed before we go on vacation or a special outfit that we want to wear. But if you run the dishwasher or washing machine without a full load, you are using much more water than is necessary, and that is wasting water. Always load the dishwasher and washing machine to capacity. You will put the water to good use, and you will reduce the overall number of loads you have to run, which will save water.

Water the Lawn When It’s Cooler

The hot temperatures in California can become positively sweltering at times. Your lawn and plants will need plenty of water to stay healthy. But if you try to water them when it’s so hot outside, much of that water will evaporate. You’ll have to water your plants even more to keep them green.

Instead, you should plan to water your lawn and plants in the early morning or during the twilight, when the sun is going down. The water will make it into the roots, where it’s needed, instead of becoming vapor that just contributes to the humidity.

Re-Pipe Your Home

You may take all the measures you can to save water, but none of them will help you if you are having problems with your plumbing. Your pipes could be suffering without you ever knowing it. You could have a slow leak in your walls that is wasting water. Or you could have problems that are causing your water pressure to be off and your faucets to let out much more water than they should.

If your water bills are high, you should have a plumber in Aliso Viejo take a look at your pipes. You may need simple re-pipe repair, or you may need to consider re-piping your whole house.

Finding ways to conserve water can save you a lot of money over time. Take a look at your current habits and see where you and make changes that will add up to savings. If you make these changes and your water bill doesn’t budge – or only comes down slightly – talk to a plumber in Aliso Viejo to see if you need to make repairs or install a new system.

Integrity Repipe is California’s premiere re-piping specialist. Our expert plumbers in Aliso Viejo can help you get to the heart of your water problems. You may have an aging system that is corroded, leaking often, or that is blocked with mineral deposits. A re-piping plumber from our team can let you know what repairs would bring improvement, or whether you need to consider an overhaul. Call us today in Aliso Viejo to talk with a re-piping plumber about your needs.

Published by – Integrity Repipe Inc

Integrity Repipe Inc – Mission Viejo, CA
27281 Las Ramblas, Suite 200
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: 877-473-7473
Website: integrityrepipe.com

Integrity Repipe Inc – San Clemente, CA
927 Calle Negocio Suite O
San Clemente, CA 92673
Phone: 949-397-2404
Website: integrityrepipe.com/san-clemente

Integrity Repipe Inc – Long Beach, CA
2201 N Lakewood Blvd, Ste D #297
Long Beach, CA 90815
Phone: 562-362-5040
Website: integrityrepipe.com/long-beach

Integrity Repipe Inc – Chula Vista, CA
591 Telegraph Canyon Road
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Phone: 619-313-5744
Website: integrityrepipe.com/chula-vista

Integrity Repipe Inc – Ladera Ranch, CA
27762 Antonio Parkway L1
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694
Phone: 949-397-2795
Website: integrityrepipe.com/ladera-ranch

Integrity Repipe Inc – Lakeside, CA
8337 Winter Gardens Boulevard
Lakeside, CA 92040
Phone: 619-494-3507
Website: integrityrepipe.com/lakeside

Integrity Repipe Inc – Aliso Viejo, CA
27068 La Paz Rd #771
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Phone: 949-449-1142
Website: integrityrepiping.com/aliso-viejo-repipe-copper-pex-ca

Integrity Repipe Inc – Oceanside, CA
1759 Oceanside Blvd C,
Oceanside, CA 92054
Phone: 442-300-3057
Website: integrityrepiping.com/oceanside-repipe-copper-pex

Integrity Repipe Inc – Porter Ranch, CA
19360 Rinaldi
Porter Ranch, CA 91326
Phone: 818-630-9265
Website: integrityrepiping.com/porter-ranch/

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877 473-7473